Lent celebrations with an installation of 1,332 floating cardboard stones in St. Stephens Cathedral, Vienna, Austria

Simple Blog Not So Simple To Troubleshoot

In the ever-evolving landscape of web development, the journey from concept to live site is fraught with challenges. As the curator of what I envisioned as a “simple” blog, I’ve navigated through this terrain using a toolkit composed of several key technologies: Domain Name Registrar: Namecheap Code Repository Vendor: GitHub Web Hosting Vendor: Cloudflare However, even with this arsenal at my disposal, I recently encountered a snag that left my users facing a less-than-stellar web experience....

March 27, 2024 · 3 min · sumeet rohatgi
Central Park, Santa Clara

SaaS metrics and engineering

Software as a Service (SaaS) business is unlike .COM, which provided internet based alternatives for conducting commerce (example: Amazon), auctions (example: eBay), travel (example: Expedia), and finance (example: E*TRADE) using desktop browsers initially, and now using mobile applications. SaaS is a paradigm shift in the implementation, delivery and usage of software applications. SaaS uses two ways to distribute software applications: Web apps: use the public internet to deliver software to users, making delivery costs close to zero Mobile apps: use proprietary app stores, which slap on extra penalty of 30%....

January 11, 2023 · 3 min · sumeet rohatgi
Keyhole surgery exhibit, The Tech Museum, San Jose

Ops in Devops

Setting up devops is a learning journey for most programmers. Early in my engineering career, before cloud computing was invented, making my programs work in my company’s datacenter could be summed up as making the program: configurable: by having no hardcoded paths and secrets in the code, supporting feature flags (both static - which were driven through property files, and dynamic - driven through databases) deployable: in different machines other than mine....

January 9, 2023 · 4 min · sumeet rohatgi
Lake Elizabeth, Fremont

Cloud compliance program - why?

For all its popularity today, cloud computing wasn’t considered as a viable option by established and large enterprises for a long time. The reason is surprisingly straightforward: how can customers of cloud computing trust that the cloud provider is not tampering or getting unauthorized access to their private and secure data? To this date, there exists no technical limitation that stops a malicious internal actor (can be a cloud provider employee or contractor or an external agent breaching into the provider organization) to get access, copy, and sell customer information....

December 26, 2022 · 2 min · sumeet rohatgi
UL Platform Team, Cupertino

Working in a large private company

After being through two startups (story for another time), I got an opportunity (way back in 2012) to work in a more traditional American company, one with a different business model than software development. UL (Underwriters Laboratories) is a trusted product safety certification corporation. It is wildly profitable (around $4 billion in revenues in 2012) and completely private. The business pitch was to create an online marketplace of UL certified products....

December 15, 2022 · 3 min · sumeet rohatgi
Sweet Maple, San Francisco

Manageability as a service

Our cloud solutions are the eyes and ears for its customers to monitor and troubleshoot their own software operations. Our enterprise search software is an on-premise native, that is to say that it is designed to be managed by a single customer administrator at a time. An administrator requires direct access to software system nodes in order to manage networking rules, performance settings, security knobs, and extension capabilities. For assistance, there is comprehensive documentation and training certification made available as well....

December 12, 2022 · 2 min · sumeet rohatgi

Role of synthetics in cloud computing

Synthetics is a testing technique born in the crucible of cloud software engineering. In this blog post, we will review what role synthetics play, and how to exploit them to full advantage. Microservices modularize the functionality built by the organization. An API call on the cloud service typically results in multiple microservices being called to fulfill a given request. Microservice architecture also provides capability to change a single service in isolation with other services....

October 3, 2022 · 2 min · sumeet rohatgi

What is cloud computing?

The last two decades have seen an incredible rise in humanity’s ability to manage information, and ultimately be in control of changing reality. For example, through a search engine app, we can research any problem, anywhere, all the time. Not only that, we can act on that research immediately as well. We can summon food, transportation, and even adhoc labor. All this just by clicking a few buttons on a web browser or on a mobile app!...

August 31, 2022 · 4 min · sumeet rohatgi