Maybe it is a placebo effect, but meditation makes me feel clear headed. I used to have dreamless sleep, but now I often have vivid dreams. In my interactions with people, I feel that I am able to get to the main concerns faster. I am patient in performing routine work. I have less fear, and know when my anxiety levels are rising.

The twenty minutes meditation practice still isn’t easy.

I use double inhale and boxed breathing techniques to help me be calm, and they help in letting distracting thoughts go. In a recent meeting, I nudged myself back to the discussion. Another interesting data point is my apple watch telling me that my VO2 Max (quantity of blood being pumped by my heart, and amount of oxygen getting absorbed by muscles) is on the rise.

Figure 1: Tasty fish tacos an hour later, Coconut’s Fish Cafe, Kihei, Maui

Figure 1: Tasty fish tacos an hour later, Coconut’s Fish Cafe, Kihei, Maui

However, I also feel I remain easily susceptible to distraction. Meditation may even have provided a false sense of assurance on becoming better. As an example, I left a laptop charger in my workplace. I have never been that careless ever.