Hosting costs are dramatically down. Companies not only offer free hosting, but also offer free publishing workflows. The only tangible costs remaining are domain name purchases and renewals.


  1. Buy domain name: I purchased from namecheap for ~$7/ year.
  2. Choose a hosting provider: I liked using Cloudflare’s Pages, as it provides a free tier. For this to work, I had to switch my domain registrar (namecheap’s) nameservers to be Cloudflare’s nameservers.
  3. Storing your blog: I chose to create a private github repository (free), and connected it to Cloudflare Pages product. This allows any changes to the main branch of this repository automatically publishes the blog for free.


  1. I use the Hugo static site framework for generating my blog, which again is supported by Cloudflare Pages
  2. I use the excellent ox-hugo toolset, as it allows me to maintain a single text file for the entirety of this blog’s content!
  3. Hugo also supports various open source themes that are free to use as well. I chose Papermod as the theme for this blog.