A conversation with Vanya sparked this post.

The Earth goes around the Sun in 365 days; and around 100 rounds is what we get to experience and exist.

In comparison, the Earth has completed 4,543,000,000 rounds so far, and it is estimated that it will continue to support us for around 1,500,000,000 more rounds.

My initial 20-25 rounds were spent in ignorant bliss, with only worries of homework and tests. All people and love around me was normal and forever.

I started on my adventures with my sweetheart in the next 5 rounds, and left my country, the people, and the love behind. After all, I wanted to pursue my dreams, and experience the world.

We were blessed with Vanya joining us on the annual circle around the Sun. My bond deepened with Vanya after 3-4 months on a cold, crisp, and sunny winter morning. I still remember the rush of emotions that swept and almost knocked me down. I finally started to understand the joy, beauty, and miracle of life.

In the next 20-25 rounds, Vanya grew up to be an talented, elegant, and graceful bundle of joy and energy. I still continue my annual journey around the Sun.

I am poorer now though. I am missing a lot of people. My beloved nana, dadi, babaji, mama, and others are no longer on their journey. At best, I have 40 more rounds to feel their loss, and know that I will also lose more people that have ever loved and cared for me.

It will all be over in less than half of a cosmic instant.