An attractive Antharium, Diamond Waterfall and Botanical Garden, St. Lucia


I am blessed to work in a job whose sole purpose is solve problems. I help solve problems: with customers, to simplify their work with developers, to use technology both efficiently and effectively, and build their careers, with managers, to plan projects, set processes, coordinate resources and dependencies with product managers, to bring ideas to life I am often faced with evaluating competing solutions, and many times I have to help break a tie in two similar solutions....

January 12, 2023 · 1 min · sumeet rohatgi
Celebrating Birthday, Fahrenheit Restaurant & Lounge, San Jose

Swift and decisive

Happy New Year! As I’ve grown older, I would want to imagine that I am growing wiser. However, its more the case that I have more experience of things not turning out well. I am not just talking of high stakes risk, reward scenarios, but also the mundane straightforward tasks that we all have to perform from time to time. An example from a recent experience may help clarify: a regular oil change service that I reserved time for, and on the day spent 30 minutes queuing, and finally being advised that due to the rush, the shop will only deliver back my car in the evening (spoiling my weekend plans)!...

January 1, 2023 · 1 min · sumeet rohatgi
Mouse in the maze, BITS Pilani, India

Ageism: shackle of rules

I am in the prime of my abilities, but at the same time also becoming wary of the Ageism rampant in my chosen field of software development. Ageism refers to the stereotypes (how we think), prejudice (how we feel) and discrimination (how we act) towards others or oneself based on age. — WHO Ageism is a problem that society needs to tackle actively, as when left unchecked, it will undermine effectiveness of our work as a society....

December 29, 2022 · 3 min · sumeet rohatgi
Sand dollar exhibit, Cal Academy of Sciences

Human ≅ Human made

Caveat emptor: This post is a compilation of highly abstract half thoughts… Premise Humans (we) are at the top of the food chain on planet Earth, and are fascinated with ourselves. Our capabilities are orders of magnitude superior to our nearest surviving species: apes. The secret sauce for this system seems to be (and most probably is) the organ between our ears, our brain. With the invention of internet, and maybe even before?...

December 27, 2022 · 4 min · sumeet rohatgi
Dinner on the bar, Ettan, Palo Alto

No big deal

How to Meditate by Pema Chodron is slightly verbose. The author reminds me of a caring grandma doling out life advice. Why meditate? First, the purpose of meditation is not to feel good and comfortable. With regular meditation all we can hope for is a slow transformation: Develop loyalty and steadfastness to yourself. When we meditate, we can have a hard time. Our minds going over a hundred miles an hour, and constantly feeling distracted....

December 19, 2022 · 2 min · sumeet rohatgi
Oakland Zoo, Oakland

A life worth living

It is surprising to learn just how much of the world’s philosophical & spiritual advances happened at roughly around the same time period of 600 BCE. Some of the greatest spiritual leaders of this time period are Buddha in India, Confucious in China, Thales, Anaximander in Greece, and Pythagoras in Italy. Deep in the pandemic (Sept 2021), I started my own spiritual journey with the reading of A guide to good life: the ancient art of stoic joy by William B Irvine....

December 16, 2022 · 3 min · sumeet rohatgi
Ram Bhawan, BITS Pilani


\( Thoughtfulness = Empathy + Consideration + Kindness \) Being thoughtful takes time and deliberate work to perform consistently. Thoughtfulness typically plays a role when two people are interacting, but can sometimes apply to multiple people situations as well (for example, when trying to mediate in a conflict). Identifying thoughtful friends or colleagues is not hard, as we just need to recall discussing our problems, frustrations, desires, and hopes and with thoughtful people, as they not only listen patiently to our issues, but also provide helpful suggestions making us see and realize what we might be missing....

December 10, 2022 · 2 min · sumeet rohatgi
Madrid, Spain

A memorable life

Despite our lives being so rich and full of color, I remember very little. Looking at old photographs enhances this feeling even more. How do we make our present more interesting and memorable? An off the cuff comment from my daughter is to have experiences that stick with us. I agree with her. I think the part of having an experience is to journal it along with pictures, so that you can come back to it later on....

December 4, 2022 · 1 min · sumeet rohatgi

Now, past, future

Mindfulness is the practice of living in the present.

December 3, 2022 · 1 min · sumeet rohatgi
Glossier, West Hollywood

Actions speak louder than words

One of the corner stone value of my adult life, has been the old adage that “Actions speak louder than words”. The original saying is meant to convey that people’s action show their real attitudes, rather than what they say. Growing up, I was shy and introverted (I still remain that way). My childhood books (and maybe movies) led me to look up to the strong silent protagonist. I also mistook the saying to mean that I do not need to counter people’s assumptions, and that they would see and understand what I have to say by my actions....

November 27, 2022 · 2 min · sumeet rohatgi