Taj Palace, New Delhi


My previous post is about finding my purpose, and I came up with a surprisingly simple and, in my opinion, profound way to find constant happiness. But what are some things I can do to achieve this purpose consistently? I am a believer in the slow, consistent, and exponential growth payoff of habits. So, what are some habits I can develop to keep true to my purpose? I ran across an amazing talk, You Are Contagious by Vanessa Van Edward, that offers tips and assistance on this very thing....

December 27, 2024 · 2 min · sumeet rohatgi
Boats in Milos, Greece


I had it all wrong. For years, I worked toward wealth and lavishness. I didn’t achieve those goals, but a little voice kept asking me, “Is this all there is to life? Make more money, spend more money? Isn’t this just an unending loop?” Growing older made things clearer. My body’s inefficiencies began to surface, and every excess was quickly punished: more alcohol led to disturbed sleep, rich food caused stomach issues, late nights brought bad mornings, and buying expensive things resulted in buyer’s remorse....

December 27, 2024 · 2 min · sumeet rohatgi

Scaling humanity

I’ve started reading Sapiens, by Yuval Noah Harari. It is an absorbing and gripping read. Yuval is to the point, and the objectivity is refreshing. Complex language is our biggest invention: Compared to the rest of living species on Earth, our language is the most nuanced and complex. We can describe situations, events, reality in most rich and nuanced ways. Not only that, we use language to connect intimately with our peers....

January 23, 2024 · 1 min · sumeet rohatgi
Beauty in the garden, Alcazar, Seville, Spain

The Truth and the Self

There is truth in the stone, for the stone is here; and no power in the world, no god, no man, no demon, can destroy its existence. But the stone has no consciousness. There is truth in the plant and its life can expand; the plant grows and blossoms and bears fruit. Its beauty is marvelous, but it has no consciousness. There is truth in the animal; it moves about and perceives its surroundings; it distinguishes and learns to choose....

January 7, 2024 · 2 min · sumeet rohatgi
Tasty treat, Livermore

Mastering destiny

Why do we believe in destiny? Looking backwards and realizing why we are in a given position or situation is quite simple and straightforward. Outcome: An Indian Engineer settled in the US For example, if we studied an in demand degree in college, then found a job in a skill that was in demand, then took a job in a foriegn country, it is quite obvious to be living and settled in that country....

August 31, 2023 · 2 min · sumeet rohatgi
Punjabi thali, Curry up now, San Jose

Decison making impediments

In both my personal life and professional endeavors, the choices I make on a daily basis shape the course of my journey. For the longest time, I lacked a systematic approach to aid in decision-making. I used to consult close friends and colleagues whenever I faced weighty decisions, relying on their insights to guide my choices. A more effective and structured framework has emerged - one that I’ve found invaluable for navigating the complexities of decision-making....

August 5, 2023 · 4 min · sumeet rohatgi
Hiking with colleagues, Sunol Regional Park, CA

Playfulness in the workplace

An often overlooked ingredient, playfulness brings lightness and levity to outcome- and goal-driven work. It helps us connect better with our peers and helps remove stress. Here are some ways to bring playfulness into the workplace: Hackathons: Hackathons can be a periodic stress reliever, as they can help us solve problems that are interesting to solve instead of always working in a focused, revenue-driven fashion. Team-building activities: Team-building activities are another good way to connect with your peers in a different setting and situation....

July 11, 2023 · 2 min · sumeet rohatgi
Outside the Exploratarium, San Francisco, US

Cozy slippers for the mind

Our mind plays a crucial role in determining our state of happiness or suffering. It constantly judges and compares, which can lead to negative emotions and dissatisfaction. However, it also possesses the capacity to bring us happiness and contentment if we learn to train and control it effectively. The metaphor from Shantideva’s “Bodhisattvacaryāvatāra” about walking barefoot on the Earth offers a valuable insight into the practice of meditation. When we walk on rough and coarse ground, it causes discomfort and suffering....

July 10, 2023 · 2 min · sumeet rohatgi
Learning about myself, Livermore, CA

Me, myself, and I

I love connecting with people and building relationships. Spending quality time together, engaging in games and activities brings me immense joy and a strong sense of belonging in my life. I have a deep appreciation for the beauty of art, food, spirits, music, movies, books, people, and nature. Engaging in physical activities and having deep intimate conversations uplift me. Being fully present in the moment and savoring the sensations around me brings me happiness....

July 4, 2023 · 1 min · sumeet rohatgi
Upgrading old thermostat, Livermore CA

Mistake log

Since 2016, I started to follow a self improvement regime :person_running:. I began with an exercise routine, followed it up with journaling, then blogging, and meditation (buddhism). To date, I have lost weight, gained muscle, feel more in control, have a clean bill of health, and more clear in my goals. However, in the last few months, I have been frustrated with myself. I constantly make the same mistakes, and in retrospective should have performed better....

June 13, 2023 · 2 min · sumeet rohatgi