Muir Woods, SF

Why does simplicity scale?

It’s often said that simple ideas scale better than complex ones. While this seems intuitively true, it’s worth exploring why this is the case. Simple ideas scale well for a few key reasons: They are easy to understand and discuss. They can be layered on top of each other effectively. However, developing simple ideas is surprisingly difficult: Reality is inherently complex and doesn’t naturally lend itself to simplicity. To get started, you must identify the most relevant details and eliminate the distractions....

August 31, 2024 · 1 min · sumeet rohatgi
Sprinkler, Front Yard, Livermore

What is smartness?

Yesterday, Nidhi attended a pooja in the neighborhood. When she returned, she mentioned an animated discussion her friends had about quantum physics—a topic she found difficult to follow. I explained to her how quantum physics explores the dual nature of waves and particles, as well as the perplexing idea that we can’t be certain of an outcome until we observe it. This morning, she watched some videos on quantum physics, which helped her grasp the concepts better....

August 31, 2024 · 1 min · sumeet rohatgi