Our cloud solutions are the eyes and ears for its customers to monitor and troubleshoot their own software operations.

Our enterprise search software is an on-premise native, that is to say that it is designed to be managed by a single customer administrator at a time. An administrator requires direct access to software system nodes in order to manage networking rules, performance settings, security knobs, and extension capabilities. For assistance, there is comprehensive documentation and training certification made available as well.

Enable cloud customer administrators to have the same or better experience for managing software solutions as when they install and run it on their own.

To address this problem, the team builds and operates Administration Configuration Service (ACS).

2022 kicked off with ACS ratified as a successful proof of concept working well for ~1-2% of cloud customers. ACS provided some critical capabilities already: managing search indexes, data ingestion tokens, and changing network firewall policy rules.

As 2023 comes knocking on our doorstep, a group of around ten talented engineers have already achieved the following outcomes:

  • ACS available for use to all cloud customers, and around 70% have already made use of the service.
  • Added critical capabilities to install and upgrade custom applications, which are used by customers and partners to configure their cloud solutions.
  • Build and ship a companion command line application (ACS CLI), so that customer & partner administrators can version control (gitops) and manage (script) their own cloud configuration.
  • Added data management capability of foreign storage and retrieval from customer managed data stores.
  • Added restart capability for customer administrators.
  • Added maintenance window management capability for customer administrators.
  • Added bulk operations for existing capabilities, so that large customers can manage their cloud solutions efficiently.
  • Added node targeting for configuring and managing specific nodes in cloud customer installation.

These capabilities makes customer administrators life that much more easier. Administrators do not need to call and schedule any of these changes, as they can perform them in an automated and reliable way themselves.