For 2023, I am setting new year resolutions in a different way. I will build a list of outcomes and have incremental progress indicators, much like how I track outcomes in work projects.

  1. Nidhi felt supported and loved in 2023. I was a patient husband, an active listener, and a doting husband. We had healthy debates when we made important decisions, and spent quality time together on many activities.
    • How many times did Nidhi thank me?
    • How many times did we change our mind because of different evidence?
  2. Vanya had another amazing year of growth in 2023. I was a generous father, and was able to provide time, guidance, support, and sound advise when solicited. I listened patiently, and learned new perspectives from the next generation of techies.
    • How many new initiatives did Vanya venture into?
  3. My mom and dad enjoyed another year of good health. I was a good son, and supported and counseled my parents as and when they navigated any life challenges. I was in constant touch with them, so distance never felt like a blocking factor in our relationship. Nidhi’s family also felt supported and loved. I was in contact with them throughout the year, and became more closer than before.
    • Frequency of calls and contact with both parents and in-laws?
  4. My friends and relatives felt I lived up to my name (the word सुमीत is composed of two hindi words: “सु”, which means “good”, and “मीत”, which means friend). We celebrated many happy events together, and supported each other in times of need. Our relationship in 2023 deepened, and we trust each other more.
    • How many times did I have in depth conversations?
  5. My mental and physical health remained good, and my relationship with food improved. Throughout 2023, I regularly worked out, and pushed myself just beyond my comfort zone. I read many interesting books, wrote and shared a good number of blog posts. Along the way, I also developed a liking for nutritious and healthy food and minimized intake of both alcohol and unhealthy foods.
    • Daily weight measurement
    • Close activity rings on Apple watch
    • One book report blog post every month
  6. At work, customers, colleagues and shareholders are grateful for some of the thorny problems I was able to help resolve. As a result, they are able to do their jobs effectively and productively.
    • How much time was saved by customers?
    • How much time was saved by employees?
  7. I am more confident and productive in my chosen craft as a software engineer. In 2023, I learned a new technology that helps in managing, securing, processing information for users faster, better, and cheaper.
    • What language did I learn?
    • What problem did I solve with it?
  8. I have less remorse on the decisions I made throughout 2023. This was largely due to extra time, deliberation and due diligence I performed before deciding and acting on information. I feel happy and content with the risks I took in 2023, even though some of them did not pan out as well as I had hoped for. I learned to lean into my fear of failure, and avoid procrastinating on uncomfortable actions.
    • Document decisions on a consistent basis in my daily journal
    • Review decisions for outcome and risk taken
  9. I built a treasure trove of new experiences and cherished memories. I enjoyed both happy and wistful moments that life offered.
    • Monthly review blog post
  10. I gained a broader perspective on life in 2023. I traveled to places that were different, and learned about the culture, thoughts, ideas, and hopes of the people.
    • Yearly review blog post
