Probability and science are against getting old. There are proven higher chances of succumbing to debilitating diseases, lower energy to work, being out of touch with newer ways of thinking and working, and hence being out of a job.

There is also the traditional happy retirement lifestyle of people pottering around the house, playing bingo, and other such imagery that is sold by the media and marketers.

Scenario driven people

Anticipating health issues, low or no work, and other unforeseen problems, people ensure that they have saved up adequate funds, and are relatively debt free.

Though they do not know what specifically they will be doing, there is a vague understanding that they will be spending majority of time enjoying doing things around the house, and basking in the company of their children and friends.

Driving scenarios people

However, humans have an uncanny ability to change the odds about probabilistic outcomes.

These set of people take higher care of their bodies, spend more time being aware of current thinking and ways of working, ensure their income, expenditure, and investment levels remain adequately balanced.

My take

I do not believe in the retirement panacea. I am squarely in the second camp of people.

I wish to live out my life to whatever extent I am able to, till my last day. I wish to remain open to new opportunities, spending time with friends and family, learning and building new skills, and spend energy to keep myself as healthy as I can.

I want to remain grounded into current realities, constantly learning to work around my failings, and doubling down on what works.

For example: maybe I will have reduced ability to work as strenuously as I have done in the past, but can I work smarter to compensate?