All good things must come to an end, and so it is with our whirlwind Greek vacation. From island hopping to beach lounging, from devouring gyros to navigating through caves, we’ve truly lived a thousand lives in these few days.

Figure 1: Smoothies and Capuccino’s at Usu Rum!

Figure 1: Smoothies and Capuccino’s at Usu Rum!

Our last day kicked off at Usu Rum, where we indulged in cappuccinos, berry smoothies, and a hearty spinach omelet. The ambiance was as delightful as the breakfast—setting a high bar for our return to cereal at home.

Back at the hotel, we consolidated our base camp from two doubles to a triple room, cozying up for our final night. I also booked a cab for the ungodly hour of 1 AM to shuttle us to the airport, signaling the inevitable.

The highlight of the day was our visit to the National Archaeological Museum. Arriving at 12:20 PM, we faced the minor hiccup of being too early—our tickets were for the 2-3 PM slot. So, we loitered in the lobby, building anticipation.

Figure 2: Most complete depiction of Athena from the ~500 BCE!

Figure 2: Most complete depiction of Athena from the ~500 BCE!

Figure 3: Is it Posiedon or Zeus? Even the experts can’t decide!

Figure 3: Is it Posiedon or Zeus? Even the experts can’t decide!

Figure 4: Boxing Children Fresco In The Thera Room

Figure 4: Boxing Children Fresco In The Thera Room

Inside, the museum did not disappoint, spanning exhibits from 3000 BCE to around 500 CE. We wandered through time across two floors, marveling at everything from the majestic Athena to the debated Poseidon/Zeus statue.

Next on our historical hit list was the Roman Agora. This commercial hub was built as Athens ran out of space—an ancient city expansion project if there ever was one.

Figure 5: Soaking up the Sun, Roman Agora, Plaka, Athens

Figure 5: Soaking up the Sun, Roman Agora, Plaka, Athens

Figure 6: Almond Halva!

Figure 6: Almond Halva!

With time ticking down, we embarked on a souvenir shopping spree. The girls enjoyed some frozen yogurt while I grabbed spicy vegetarian noodles and baklava for a last taste of Greece.

Figure 7: Takeout time from Noodle Bar!

Figure 7: Takeout time from Noodle Bar!

Before our departure, I took one final stroll through Athens, iPhone in hand, capturing the unique scenes of roadside restaurants in Plaka, the silhouette of the Acropolis from Monastiraki, and even a Disney-themed restaurant—a whimsical end to our Greek saga.

Figure 8: Roadside Restaurants In Plaka

Figure 8: Roadside Restaurants In Plaka

Figure 9: View of the Acropolis from Monistiraki

Figure 9: View of the Acropolis from Monistiraki

Figure 10: Athens Hall of Horrors, Plaka

Figure 10: Athens Hall of Horrors, Plaka

Figure 11: Disney Themed Restaurant, Plaka

Figure 11: Disney Themed Restaurant, Plaka

As we pack our bags and say our goodbyes, I can’t help but feel a mix of sadness and gratitude. Greece, you’ve been a dream, a beautiful chapter in our lives filled with memories that will linger like the taste of that last piece of baklava. Until next time, Ευχαριστώ (thank you)!