\( life=\sum(people) \)

For my 50th birthday, I wish to thank, appreciate and celebrate the people who influence the way I think, decide, and act.

Loving mom, happy dad and doting sister

Without papa’s early morning cramming for my exams, I would never have become an engineer. Papa is the workhorse: he ironed my school uniform daily, and dutifully bused me to school. Papa is the sole athlete in our family, and I have been jealous of the almost effortless skill he displays at almost any physical game, be it tennis, basketball, cricket, billiards, swimming, …

I am the apple of mom’s eye. Mom’s deliciously cooked gobhi, arhar dal, phulka, will remain my go to comfort foods. Mom is fearless when it comes to my safety. Eight year old me had a squabble with a boy scout and in a flash of anger, he slashed my palm with his pocket knife. Mom was outraged, and went straight to the principal office to rile up the security protocol in our school.

Ruchi is a deeply responsible, traditional, and loving daughter, sister, wife and mother. Ruchi and I played many board games growing up. Ruchi always looked up to me, and I am always protective of her.

Beautiful wife and lovely daughter

Nidhi and I have navigated life lessons together. Through thick and thin, and ups and downs Nidhi is the one who provides stability. Her fearless care for my well being surprised me when I had a bout of flu in Milan. Nidhi is the perfect planner, organizer, cook, mother, friend, and my lover.

Vanya is our bundle of joy & pride. At a young age, Vanya not only went on to attend the best public university in the world, but also took on the most demanding major. Vanya’s personal style, expressive communication, impeccable logic and sense of humor is excellent. I wish to be her personal cheerleader forever!

Caring family

Babaji inspired me with his life struggles as he lost his father at a young age, and rebuilding enough of a business and property so that his family had a good foundation to build their life on. Dadi was a social butterfly, and her mantra of “everything will take care of itself”, helps me to be calm under stress. I miss them both dearly.

Nana showered me with blessings and took care of all my needs without even asking. Nana’s sense of style, etiquette, and respect he commanded made me feel special when around him. Nani spoiled me with delicious treats and her sweet talk. Nani’s recitals of personal adventures kindled my own love of travel. She is the only living grandparent that I have today!

Rahul mama spoiled me to a fault, like bringing me an extended Lego set (among other amazing gifts for a six year old) from his maiden European voyage. I spent many a happy childhood summer with him. My only regret is that I did not spend as much time with him before he got taken away from this world. Roopan mama was the intellectual one in the family. He was a professor of English, and our late night discussions on science, religion, spirituality, and career remain fresh in my mind.

Along with Nidhi, I am blessed to now be a part of an entirely new family as well! Another set of parents, brothers, and sisters. My father and mother in law are pragmatic, health conscious and deeply caring. They do mean mi casa, su casa: I literally stay in their room when I visit Patna. My brother in law, Saurabh is a sharp, ambitious and well connected young finance professional. Poornima is delightful, sweet, smart, and savvy young woman with a wealth of knowledge and connections herself.

Sumeet & Puja: Sumit’s humble nature disarms everyone, and makes delicious party cocktails and appetizers. Puja loves to entertain, and puts on amazing food spreads every time.

Fantastic friends

Arvind and Vinita are our family in the US. Arvind is super caring, astute, and always ready to help. I depend on Arvind’s guidance on navigating my fresh off the boat concerns. Vinita has an impeccable sense of style, savvy shopper and an amazingly generous host.

Ajay is the longest friend from our earliest school days. Ajay & I have a comfort of discussing any topic under the Sun. Shweta is sweet, poetic and sentimental.

Vipul and I did our internships together, and fates have kept us together since. Vipul is a genuine, caring and trusting friend. I always look forward to meeting Vipul when I go to India. Jagriti is an amazing cook and a great host.

Murali & Charu: the ideal couple! Murali, is an all rounder, from sports to music to entertaining, and has an easy going personality. Charu’s impeccable taste never fails to impress ranging from her house decor to tasty cooking!

Abhai & Mitu: Abhai is the perfect gentleman, photographer and singer. Mitu’s excellent planning and research skills keep our group trips and activities perfectly aligned.

Kislay & Sonal: Kislay is the math guru with practical and useful tips, a bold soul who often sets the tone of a party. Sonal is the fashionable icon and forever young at heart party girl!

Ajay & Sharmila: Ajay is the OG cool dude, and a super savvy investor. Sharmila is unassuming, helpful, responsible and blessed with a kind and generous heart.

Manish & Shruti: Manish is quite the sportsman, good at just about every game. Shruti is a smart, creative and savvy Dilli girl, in addition to being an amazing cook!

Supreet & Neetu: Supreet is witty, creative and wicked smart. Neetu is pragmatic, lively, genuine, and fun at heart. They both have /generous and large lion hearts.

Gagan & Eru: Gagan is the “joke” guy in parties, endearing everyone with his self deprecating humor. Eru is the stylishly dressed girl.

Priya & Conrad: Priya is the over achiever, bindaas, fun and initiative taker. Conrad is the thinker, adventurer, free spirit, and a marvelous host.