Why do we believe in destiny?

Looking backwards and realizing why we are in a given position or situation is quite simple and straightforward.

Outcome: An Indian Engineer settled in the US

For example, if we studied an in demand degree in college, then found a job in a skill that was in demand, then took a job in a foriegn country, it is quite obvious to be living and settled in that country.

Outcome: GPUs are used in NLP/ ML

Another quite different example, if we (lots of people) are creating web pages on the internet, then go on to creating social media status’s and tweets, then it is inevitable that we will start to develop ways to understand this information. If the information is disparate (as it would be), then it is obvious that ML and NLP techniques will mature. If Moore’s law has run out of steam, which it did in the early 2000’s, then GPUs are the only way left to make progress.

How can we use this simple observation to our advantage?

We could time travel to a future situation we want, and then work backwards to infer which actions could have led to that situation, and then do them.

Desire: Lavish lifestyle with high income

For example, study in a subject that provides popular skillset, then find a job in that industry (it should not be too hard), then swim up the career ladder by adding valuable business skills.

Desire: Generational wealth

Another example, study in a subject that provides popular skillset, build business skills doing an MBA, find or start a business in that industry (it should not be too hard), then continue to invest in your business and others.