I have a lust-regret relationship with food. I love good food, variety, texture, spices, herbs, smells. Invariably, when I extend myself, I have the following regretful consequences:

  1. Weight imbalances that depress my fitness target
  2. Stomach upset that invariably happens
  3. Adding alcohol makes overeating worse
  4. Too much alcohol adds in hangover

Changes I did to make this lust turn to love:

  1. Measure, measure, measure: I weigh myself daily, and make a note of it in my journal. This information is a feedback loop on my food intake and a stark reminder of its physical effects.
  2. Food budget: I try to remember by adding journal entries, and make a daily food budget. This is so that I don’t need to think about food at mealtimes, where I can make bad choices.
  3. Meal preparation: I get super hungry at meal times, and if there’s no healthy choice, I will go in for either buying outside food or eat processed/ refrigerated food. So, instead I ensure that I prepare half a recipe before hand. This makes it easier for me to choose a healthy option before hand.
  4. Be kind to myself: I realize that my food lust is an amazing life blessing. It makes my life rich, interesting, diverse, and fun. So, when I do slip, I don’t dwell on it.