Avoiding bad situations, and preventing failures plays second fiddle to building and releasing new features and processes.

For example, there is often low motivation or even discussion on improving legal, security, and compliance processes, as they are deemed boring and complex. However, engineering teams continue to pay high cost of proving compliance or firefight incidents that could have been prevented with better telemetry and alerting.

Similarly, removing brittle product features and deprecating failed products are taboo, and users continue to deal with abandoned half starts. Engineering teams bandaid code till it turns messy and too hard to change reliably.

Finally, succumbing to peer pressure in the industry is all too often a sad reality as well. As new talent and leadership makes its way into a growing organization, they bring processes that worked well for them in their previous roles. Unfortunately, most processes only transfer well when underlying assumptions, team culture, and context remain unchanged. For example, performance management is a unique process that needs to be fine tuned based on the existing technical solution in place, organizational aspirations, and size of the organization.

Less is more.